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Quiet and Fast like a Puma in the Grass

Welcome to the world of cannabis cultivation and processing, where art meets science and nature inspires excellence. Our team has spent nearly a decade perfecting trimming and sorting techniques in Colorado, and we're excited to share our expertise with you. With a deep appreciation for the natural world, we've drawn inspiration from amazing animal movements to develop unique and efficient methods for trimming and sorting cannabis buds. Just as a mantis snips with precision, a honeybee sorts with meticulous care, and a falcon swoops with swift accuracy, our techniques will help you refine your skills and elevate your product. In this guide, we'll explore various techniques for trimming and sorting cannabis buds, from the fundamentals to advanced methods.

You'll learn how to:

  1. Trim with precision and speed

  2. Sort with accuracy and efficiency

  3. Optimize your workflow for maximum yield and quality

  4. Refine your skills through practice and experience 


Join us on this journey through the art and science of cannabis processing, and discover how nature's wonders can inspire excellence in your work.


Our system is designed to elevate both productivity and morale, emphasizing the power of teamwork. We've learned over the years that fostering a collaborative environment yields better results. By using our system, your team will double or triple productivity.


Let's begin.


There are some phrases that we need to define, and certain bud structures that we need to discuss.


The first word is a funny one, that we did not come up. It is the word LARF. It describes the structure of a bud. It is an acronym that stands for Light, Airy, Really, Fluffy. Not every strain you grow in the beginning will have big dense buds. You will learn what genetics grow best in your grow environment over time. If you have a strain that is LARF - Light, Airy, Really, Fluffy, than this process will not work. You will need to trim it traditionally by hand with no tools. To be profitable you should weed out any strains that are LARF.

The next phrase we need to define is Crow's Feet. It refers to the two leaves at the bottom stem of the bud. Most machines and tools will remove all the sugar leaf and fan leaves, but will leave you with the problem of the two bottom leaves that grow on opposite sides. They may be reduced in size by using machines or tools, but will likely remain. They will look like a crow's foot with a long stem and the very beginnings of the leaf in the shape of a bird's foot.

Handle bars is the term we use for the stem of a leaf sticking out from a bud, when the total leaf has been removed. We call it this, because it looks like the handle bar of a bike.

Fan leaf is just plant material with very minimal trichomes, and is therefor considered not desirable or waste material.

Sugar leaf is the leaves closest to the bud, that is covered in trichomes. This is highly desirable, as it is good in making hash in to concentrates.


Now that we have our basic language, we are ready to discuss trimming


Step 1: Drying and harvesting the plant

We recommend removing all the fan leaf before drying the plants. By removing the fan leaf you will have a better trim quality for making hash and concentrates, and the efficiency of using this process will be maximized. That being said. We will include in this process ways to deal with fan leaf, if you didn't have time to remove them before drying.


Drying should be done on a line with the plant hanging upside down.

During the harvesting phase, it's crucial to maintain optimal conditions for drying the buds. Ideally, the drying environment should be around 65°F to 70°F with a humidity level of 40 to 50%, especially in Colorado. Understanding the Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) is essential here. VPD is the ratio of humidity to temperature, indicating how much moisture the air can hold. In simpler terms, warmer air can hold more water than cooler air at the same humidity. Therefore, it's essential to strike the right balance between temperature and humidity to facilitate proper evaporation of moisture from the plants. If you have the room to cold with a high humidity, there is no room in the air for the plant to evaporate the water within the plant. This leads to the plant not efficiently being able to dry, and increasing potential for molds and mildews being able to thrive in your drying conditions. Keeping the drying time within a range of 7 to 10 days is paramount. Going beyond this time frame, exceeding 2 weeks, can lead to undesirable outcomes such as mold and mildew formation, compromising the quality of the harvest. 


When it comes to trimming, there's a choice to be made regarding the removal of fan leaves. During the flowering stage, a technique called "schwazing" involves removing most of the fan leaves in the first week, followed by another round at week three. This process results in fewer fan leaves remaining on the buds by the end of the growth cycle.


Whether to remove the fan leaves entirely or leave them depends on factors like the cultivation method employed. For instance, in a sea of green setup where plants are grown in a single level interlaced through a trellis, reaching and removing all the fan leaves might be challenging. However, leaving the fan leaves on during the bucking phase may result in lower trim quality and require more labor to remove them later. Conversely, removing the fan leaves enhances trim and hash quality but may demand additional labor resources.

Maintaining optimal drying conditions and making informed decisions regarding fan leaf removal during growing and harvesting are crucial steps in ensuring the quality of the final product. Balancing these factors effectively contributes to a successful and high-quality harvest.

Step 2: Bucking


After harvesting and drying the product, the next crucial step is bucking, which involves separating the leaves and buds from the stem of the plant. It's advisable to cut the branches into smaller sections to facilitate easier handling. Using scissors, trim off the top buds, also known as the colas. While most large buds are best removed with scissors, the product should be sufficiently dry for smaller buds to be easily removed by hand - they should simply pop off using your fingers.


During this stage, there's an opportunity to remove excess fan leaves, focusing on preserving the desirable parts of the plant - the buds and the sugar leaf. Once all the buds and leaves are removed from the stems, the next step involves processing the products using a Sabretooth Sifter.


Step 3: Sabretooth Sifter One Inch


The Sabretooth Sifters are going to do the bulk of the work for you. We are going to start off with filling the 1 inch Sabretooth Sifter half way full. This is the Sabretooth Sifter with the largest screen size. We are going to attach the lid so that particles don't escape. We are then going to use a rocking motion back and forth, and up and down. What this is going to do is separate the big buds from the smaller size buds and trim. If there is to much fan leaf this is the time to use the Side Winder Swirl, using your hand with fingers spread out to break apart the excess fan leaf. During this process the fan leaf and sugar leaf is going to be broken down and removed from the buds. This will leave a very clean looking bud. It is the shaking motion back and forth that is trimming the bud without being touched by hand. The product is only coming in contact with stainless steel. The same stainless steel they use in restaurants for food grade quality.  The medium and smaller size buds will fall through the Sabretooth Sifter along with the trim. You will be left with a final product of big bud in the 1 inch Sabretooth sifter that may just need a little cleaning up to be fully trimmed. This means removing handle bars or crow's feet. What you will find, because of using our tools that crow's feet and handle bars will be reduced. Cleaning the buds will only require 1-3 cuts to fully clean up the product. You will find a lot of freebies, which means buds that are fully trimmed. You will need to use Double Dragon to fully be efficient and the best at your craft. There will be a majority of product that won't need any cleaning up to be a fully trimmed bud, and that is the benefit of using the Sabretooth Sifters.


We only use tools and no machines, so this art form will always be considered hand trimmed. This process is designed for people to create hand trimmed product with a higher sale value while being fast and efficient.


Click for video on One Inch Sabretooth Sifter Demo


The cover was left off for filming purposes

Step 4: Sabretooth Sifter Quarter Inch


In our ¼ inch Sabretooth Sifter what we will be doing is separating the medium buds from the popcorn and the trim. We're going to again fill the ¼ inch Sabretooth Sifter about halfway full of product. This will be the material that fell out of the 1 inch Sabretooth Sifter. While using both of our Sifters the shaking process will happen over a bucket that is greater in width and length to the Sabretooth Sifters which can be purchased from your local stores. We will attach the lid and use the same back and forth motion to trim the product. What will fall out of the bottom of the ¼ inch Sabretooth Sifter is the trim and the popcorn buds. What we will be left with in the ¼ inch Sabretooth Sifter is our medium size buds. They will be mostly cleaned up except for a few sticks or crow's feet that need to be removed. We will use the Falcon technique on these medium buds to clean them up. There will be a lot of freebies, so it will be important before you use Falcon technique to remove the fully trimmed buds using Double Dragon. We will use Tiger Claw and Praying Mantis to clean up our smaller buds at the very end. What makes great trimmers is the fact, that they have techniques to speed through the smaller buds. The old expression of not getting lost in the woods amongst the trees. Spend most of your time on the big buds, get what weight you can from the medium buds, and speed through the small popcorn sized buds with Tiger Claw and Praying Mantis.

Click for video on Quarter Inch Sabretooth Sifter Demo


The cover was left off for filming purposes

Step 5: Side Winder Swirl

The Side Winder Sifting technique is used on the both Sabretooth Sifters to break up large fan leaves that may be mixed with the buds. This method involves using a circular hand motion with fingers spread apart to effectively break down and separate unwanted leaves from the buds.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Load the Sabretooth Sifter: Place the buds mixed with fan leaves in to the Sabretooth Sifter.

  2. Circular Motion: Use a circular hand motion to break up large fan leaves with fingers spread apart.


Step 6: Double Dragon


The Double Dragon technique embodies the dexterity and precision of using both hands to maximize efficiency. As the Sabretooth Sifter does an excellent job of trimming the buds while sorting, there will often be a plethora of freebies - buds that are already fully trimmed. The Double Dragon technique involves skillfully using both hands to locate these freebies and tossing them into the done tray. This method not only speeds up the process but also ensures that no fully trimmed bud is touched by human hand more than necessary, preserving trichomes. Using stainless steel tools is the ultimate in hand trimming. Minimizing contact, while not exposing your buds to a machine. The problem with machines is they treat your buds with as much caring as a lawn mower.  The product is to valuable for an uncaring machine.  With this technique you will be just as fast, and more precise and exact with the final product.

Double Dragon.gif

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Identify Freebies: When trimming the big or medium sized buds scan for your already fully trimmed buds.

  2. Use Both Hands: Employ both hands to quickly pick out the freebies.

  3. Toss into Done Tray: Efficiently move these buds to the done tray, keeping the workflow smooth and uninterrupted.


Step 7: Falcon


The Falcon technique is about keen observation and meticulous attention to detail. This method utilizes the small sifter with the largest screen size to work on medium-sized buds. The goal is to identify buds that need minor adjustments, such as the removal of a crow's foot or handle bar. You may also need to remove pieces of sugar leaf, but make sure to not go more than one rotation around the bud. Keep your time with any bud, below 3 seconds. Your dominant hand will keep the scissors moving back and forth in a fast rhythmic motion, you will use your other hand to rotate the bud. After removing the crow's  feet and handle bars from the imperfect buds, the rest of the product in the sifter is ready for your done tray.


Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Sift Medium Buds: Place the medium-sized buds onto the sifter with the largest screen. It is important not to process more than a handful at a time.

  2. Hawk-Eye Inspection: Let your eyes drift to what is out of place. Focus your energy on correcting those buds. This will make product look good in the bag, if everything looks uniform. They call all the buds looking good together “Bag Appeal”

  3. Remove Imperfections: Use any means necessary use your fingers or the scissors to remove sticks, leaves, crow's feet, or handle bars.

  4. Separate The Imperfections: Trim all the imperfect buds and correct their defects. Place those buds in your done tray. When processing the medium buds you will be left will a tray of freebies that were already trimmed by the Sabretooth Sifters. Simply dump the full trimmed buds left on the screen in to your done tray. Processing a handful at a time on the screens you will quickly move through all the medium sized buds.


Step 8: Rocking the Rattle Snake

The Rocking the Rattle Snake technique focuses on separating medium-sized buds from popcorn-sized buds through a gentle yet effective shaking motion. This method ensures that only medium-sized buds remain on the screen, making the trimming process more manageable.


Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Load the Sifter: Place a handful of medium-sized buds onto the screen.

  2. Shake Gently: Rock the screen back and forth to allow popcorn-sized buds and trim to fall through the screen.

  3. Isolate Medium Buds: Continue shaking until only medium buds are left on the screen.


Click for video on Tiger Claw and Praying Mantis

Step 9: Tiger Claw


The Tiger Claw technique is employed for handling popcorn-sized buds with the smallest screen size. This method is designed to separate small leaf pieces from the popcorn sized buds using a precise, circular motion.

Tiger Claw.gif

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Load the Small Screen: Place a handful of popcorn-sized buds which will be mixed with trim onto the smallest screen.

  2. Circular Motion: Use the tips of your fingers in a circular motion to encourage the trim to fall through the screen.

  3. Retain Popcorn Buds: Ensure only the popcorn-sized buds remain in the sifter, fully trimmed and ready for packaging.


Step 10: Praying Mantis


The Praying Mantis technique focuses on removing sticks from popcorn-sized buds after the Tiger Claw method has separated the trim. This technique involves using a delicate, mantis-like hand movement to pick out any remaining sticks.

Praying Mantis.gif

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Inspect for Sticks: Examine the popcorn-sized buds for any remaining sticks.

  2. Praying Mantis Hands: Use your hands like a praying mantis to carefully pick out and remove the sticks.

  3. Clean Buds: Ensure the popcorn-sized buds are free from any sticks, ready for final processing


Step 11:Curing

The curing phase is probably the most critical for having buds that not only look good but smell great. After you have trimmed all your buds, you will place the finished product into either a tub for storage or a bag. During the next month. It is crucial to open the bag or the bin every few days to have air exchange. During the curing phase, the smell will start to reflect the terpene profile of each different genetic. You don't have to have the bin or bag open for too long 10 to 15 minutes is adequate for the air exchange in the curing process. It is also a best practice to shake up the buds while opening the product to make sure that all the buds are giving a good air exchange.


Practicing these techniques will significantly enhance your trimming and sorting process, ensuring that your cannabis buds are of the highest quality. Whether you are a novice or an experienced cultivator, these methods - Double Dragon, Falcon, Rocking the Rattle Snake, Tiger Claw, Praying Mantis, and Side Winder Sifting - will streamline your workflow and maximize your efficiency working like a honey bee. We built these tools, because we needed them to be faster. We first learned to trim. Than we learned to work with metal to build the tools we needed. Embrace these techniques and become a true artisan in the art of cannabis trimming. Use our tools and techniques to become great, while providing the best quality medicine. We are always just a phone call or email to help you on your journey. We are also willing to travel, and teach you our techniques in person. This is our commitment to provide healing medicine, in the most efficient hand trimmed way possible. Let our years of experience work for you, and guide your journey in to being the best cannabis trimmers in the industry.  We welcome you to trim like a puma, and hope you enjoy our techniques and tools inspired by nature and all the wonderful animals on the planet.


Our Story​


Josh's Journey:


Josh's adventure into the industry commenced with an eye-opening experience in Colorado. Picture this: six hopeful candidates, including Josh, confined to a room with a stark ultimatum - only two would have a chance at employment at the end of the day. It was a savage all against all, because there was an overwhelming group of people that wanted to work in the cannabis industry in Colorado in 2015. That was Josh's introduction into Colorado's cannabis industry.  Luckily he was one of the two, that passed initiation.  Ironically, Josh would find in that first job, that he was working at a failing Dispensary. He had to take on extra work with a traveling group of trimmers to supplement his income.  


He joined a traveling trim company working at multiple grows throughout the state traveling up to 2 hours one way a day in to the mountains and high deserts, which took him on a whirlwind tour across Colorado. From Colorado Springs, his base,  he embarked on regular trips to Pueblo, Denver, and the captivating mountain landscapes. Driving through those peaks was a breathtaking experience, albeit a tad risky in winter. Nevertheless, the allure of those summer drives made it all worthwhile.  He was motivated by a desire to do something different in life by helping others through holistic medicine, and a deep love of nature on this blue planet.


Courtney's Journey:

Courtney's initiation into the industry was marked by a blend of excitement and uncertainty. Prior to stepping foot into her first role, She underwent a $250 trimming class, a prerequisite for the job. Interestingly, Courtney's instructor was none other than Josh, her partner in both business and life. After the class, it was time for hands-on experience, albeit unpaid, for a week.  In Colorado in 2016 when the industry was just budding, you would have to pay for your experience.  This was a very questionable ethical experience, but that was Colorado in 2016. 

Her inaugural first week of "training class"  took her on a whirlwind tour across the state - from Fairplay to Pueblo and finally to the crown jewel Denver. Six days of relentless work finally culminated in her completing her unpaid "training class", a testament to the grit and determination demanded by the industry. She then joined Josh on those wild long distance rides through the high deserts and snow covered mountain tops.

Courtney and Josh, inspired by their shared passion, decided to carve their own path. With a hope and a dream "Puma Trimming" was born.  Their decision started in nature during a serene moment at Red Rocks, a cherished spot in Colorado Springs. A single call from a potential client fueled their entrepreneurial spirit, propelling them into action. Their foray into entrepreneurship wasn't without challenges, but armed with determination, they distributed flyers, making their presence known to dispensaries. Venturing into the realm of large-scale outdoor harvests, they tackled formidable projects. The scorching summers tested their resilience in Pueblo, with temperatures soaring above 100°F, but they persevered, ensuring the well-being of their future endeavors among grueling conditions. As the industry landscape evolved, so did their strategies. The absence of recreational legalization in Colorado Springs posed challenges, prompting them to adapt and expand  their operations to Denver. Over time, their tools and techniques would evolve, reflecting the growing dynamic changes  within the industry. They also watched the price of the pound plummet. A cautionary tale of not over saturating the market.  The Colorado cannabis market in 2024 has witnessed seismic shifts. Increased competition from neighboring states like Oklahoma, coupled with plummeting prices, necessitated innovation to stay in business. It was building their own tools and connecting their techniques back to nature that has inspired this book.  With their newly forged tools and martial art style techniques, they went from doubling their production to tripling it.  They are helping dispensaries stay in business with their revolutionary techniques and tools.


Over the years, they have seen countless makeshift trimming tools - fan covers intended to protect hands from blades and salad spinners designed for leafy greens. While inventive, these tools lack the precision needed for efficient trimming.

Their sifters and tools are different. They didn't just have to learn their trimming techniques; they had to learn metalworking to create tools specifically for the marijuana industry. Each tool embodies their passion and expertise, crafted to maximize efficiency and save you time and money. With these purpose-built tools, you’ll achieve superior results faster, making your investment worthwhile and transforming your trimming experience into a profitable endeavor.


Labor is one of biggest costs in this industry. These tools are designed to significantly reduce these expenses by enhancing productivity and efficiency. 


Mission Statement

from Courtney and Josh

Your success is our priority. That’s why we offer comprehensive training programs for businesses, ensuring you and your team are fully equipped to maximize the potential of our tools. Beyond the initial training, we provide support through our consulting services, helping you stay competitive and successful in the evolving marijuana industry.


Invest in our tools and services, and you invest in a future where passion meets efficiency, turning your trimming process into a profitable and streamlined operation. Let us help you elevate your business, saving you money while achieving unparalleled results.


Forging Business to Business Relationships


We will back up our clients like a pack of pumas, working together with shared goals. We will always be a phone call or text message away, ready to consult and guide.


We have both loved and learned from our adventures, and we were compelled to share our journey, techniques, and tools with you.


We would like to send a very special thank you to Michael and Aaron for helping to develop our tools and techniques, and for all their wonderful work on this book!


We hope you have enjoyed reading!

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